I found a great selection online at ReproDepot.com .
This week I went out in search of fabrics in my area, hoping to find a similar selection. First I went 20 miles South to one of the big name stores - and found that despite the size of the store (think Costco) they didn't carry anything that was even approaching acceptable. Later on in the week I hit up a smaller store located just a few miles from the house and hit the jackpot! Pacific Fabrics & Crafts had almost all the fabrics I had been looking at online and the staff was super helpful.
I ended up picking a fabric with a pretty steady pattern so that I could make my cuts and sew the pieces together without worrying too much.

A good bit of mess and a lot of cursing over the next 5 hours and voilĂ ! We have a new Roman Shade for the back door!

It isn't perfect by any stretch of the imagination but it's still pretty good for the first go-round. I plan to take another swing at it, maybe do our upstairs windows (if I can find a fabric I like in there)- or the front windows downstairs to replace the dreadful ikea drapes that are hanging now.

With any luck (and the proper amount of planning) the next shot at Roman Shades should turn out less crooked-y than v1.0.
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